Stamps on the AT-AT

Outside of the entrance to Star Tours is an AT-AT walker from the "Empire Strikes Back" film of the Star Wars saga.  You don’t need me to clue you into why that is there but if you happen to be stuck in the outside queue line or if you grab a FASTPASS and look around for a bit, you’ll notice on the backside of the walker some stamps that have interesteing signifigance.

Outside of the entrance to Star Tours is an AT-AT walker from the "Empire Strikes Back" film of the Star Wars saga.  You don’t need me to clue you into why that is there but if you happen to be stuck in the outside queue line or if you grab a FASTPASS and look around for a bit, you’ll notice on the backside of the walker some stamps that have interesteing signifigance.

The stamps on the rear of the walke are there because they continue that story line of you being on a Hollywood movie set.  The walker looks real when you’re walking towards it, but like many Hollywood props, has nothing to it from behind and that’s an old movie trick to save money on production by only creating what the camera sees.  And since Imagineers wanted to maintain the story of Star Tours being another film shoot, the props are marked accordingly.  The story of this stamp doesn’t end there.  The number on the stamp, "120789" isn’t some random prop number.  Rather, it’s a reference to the date Star Tours opened….kind of.  

Disney-MGM Studios fans may recall that Star Tours officially opened on December 15th, 1989, yet the number refers to December 7th, 1989.  So what gives? Well, December 7th is when Disney held the opening ceremony that included Michael Eisner, George Lucas and Mark Hamill.  You can read more about the history of Star Tours here.